Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land, a group of courageous young adventurers set out to fight dragons and slay monsters. It is the dragons of misperception and the monsters of ignorance of which I speak, but that does not make it a less worthy quest indeed.
Our heroes’ first task came after they had mounted their trusty steed, a bus belonging to the company Polski bus and later Leo bus, thus beginning their long journey to the fantastic realm called Ukraine. At the border between this realm and the (former) kingdom of Poland, they were stopped and had to prove that they were indeed the worthy heroes they claimed to be. But after a journey which lasted roughly a day, they finally arrived in the beautiful city of Lviv where they were introduced to the other half of their group, which had bested an equally strenuous journey from Kyiv to Lviv. After being united to their great delight, some of them set out on another – albeit much shorter – bus journey to the heart of Lviv, where they discovered much splendour and pulchritude. With wondering eyes, they beheld the shimmering towers of St George’s Cathedral and their ears marvelled at the skills of the bards whose music filled the streets of Lviv. Despite the cruel and merciless sun which would not withdraw behind the clouds to let our heroes roam the city in peace, they managed to see quite a lot and thoroughly enjoyed this first glance at the city.
Having returned from their quest, the adventurers gathered in the common room of their quarters for the first part of their elaborate program, which bore the title ‘Organisation I’. Thus, the future program of the quest and all matters concerning the treasury, which was filled by a benevolent organisation called the European Union via ERASMUS+, were explained.
Afterwards, the heroes refreshed themselves with tasty Ukrainian food which was kindly provided by their hosts. Having regained their strength, they were ready for some entertainment. By playing games, they go to know each other better, learning the names of their comrades and further details about their lives. These games, having been organized by the brave Jasmin and the fearless Rebecca, brought much enjoyment to the group. But nothing, with the possible exception of fighting dragons, brings a group of adventurers closer together than sharing a cup of good ale, which is exactly what they did as their first day in Ukraine came finally to an end.