On Thursday we started our day from very interesting and productive conversation. We had a huge chance to meet Christian F. Trippe who is a chief of Ukrainian department of Deutsche Welle (DW). Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster which has a huge audience all around the world and famous of its liberal and democratic views on politics and media, it`s one of the most famous independent media in Europe. WIth Dr. Christian F.Trippe we discussed not only missions of DW in European media and particular in Ukrainian media sphere but also challenges with which journalists and media workers faced when they work in countries with conflicts, war zone and without freedom of media. Of course, one of the biggest question was showing situation in Donbass and Ukrainian political crisis, how create news which would not be propaganda for any side, which will express all events with critical and neutral view. How to interview civil people and soldiers from the both sides who are 24 hours per week under war pressure? How DW shows situation in Ukraine for European society which is very important for future of Ukraine as country-candidate for EU membership? What DW journalists think about coverage of events from Ukrainian and Russian colleagues? Answers on this questions provoke the chain of next questions which made our conversations active and inspired. It was very impressive to hear and see how such values as human rights, democracy and independency could be a part of modern media which is full of propaganda, violence and fake news. After it we went to see on our own eyes how and where people from popular and influence broadcaster work and from which window all Europe can see news from our country. We went to visit DW office in Kyiv. In fact, we were waiting for huge building with many stages, a lot of office-workers who drink coffee between small pauses in their work-routine but we saw completely different scene. On this day we opened for ourselves that for creating objective and professional news you do not need always these things. Redaction of DW Ukraine located in ordinary apartment in the heart of Kyiv. In this office work no more than ten people and other stuff is professional freelance-journalists and operators from whole Ukraine. Video-news some time shoot on balcony with the view on Independence square.