1.) Journey
-by bus from Berlin (group) or plane (self-arrangement) to Lviv
- in Ukraine by night-train
- in Kyiv and Lviv by public transport
2.) Preparation
- for the German group: Preparation weekend 9.-11th June in Berlin
- for the Ukrainian group: Preparation-Meetings in Kyiv
- Germans need to make their REISEPASS, it has to be valid at least till Mach 2018!
- own preparation of some activities by the participants (alone or in groups)
- any questions? Just write us!
3) Accommodation
- in Lviv in a Hostel for the whole group
- in Kyiv as many participants as possible will stay at the place of Ukrainians, the others in a Hostel
- there will be a group room in Lviv and Kyiv
4) Organisation
- every German participant will have a Ukrainian "partner", where (s)he stay and with whom can be communicated in advance
5.) Costs
- a grant of Erasmus+ will cover all costs of the meeting
- for the trip to Lviv and from Kyiv back to Germany the Germans can receive the costs back up to 160€ (per participant)
- during the meeting participants might pay for some meals/drinks themselves, depending on the program (not more than 50€ during the whole meeting)
You are...
- interested in our project, culture and politics
- not younger than 18 and not older than 30 (at the time of the meeting)
- resident in Ukraine or Germany
- willing to participate on the preparation and evaluation meetings
(preparation meeting for the German group 09-11.06.2017 in Berlin)
- willing to share your organization skills/ knowledges/opinion
- ready for an interactive experience
- interested in meeting new people
- interested in discussion topics - also till late night
- ok with easy accommodation/meals and not a lot of sleep and free time during the meeting
- flexible
- ready to meet a nice group and enjoy ten days in Ukraine
You don't need to...
- speak English/German/Ukrainian/Russian,... fluently (we will manage to translate Ukrainian-German-English if necessary)
- bring a lot of knowledge about Ukraine/Germany
- bring international experience
- spend a lot of money
Für diesen Austausch nehmen wir keine Bewerbungen mehr entgegen. Falls Restplätze frei werden informieren wir euch unter "News".
Wenn du dich für dieses Projekt interessiert, dann schick uns ein Motivationsschreiben, in dem du unter anderem auf folgende Punkte eingehst:
- evtl. bisherige Erfahrung mit Austauschprojekten
- Interesse an diesem Projekt (in Bezug auf Medien und die Ukraine)
- Fähigkeiten und Ideen, die du gerne einbringen würdest
Außerdem benötigen wir für die Anmeldung folgende weitere Informationen:
- Name, Vorname
- Geburtsort-/datum
- Anschrift
- Handynummer
- aktuelle Beschäftigung
Schicke deine Bewerbung an: youth-exchange@gmx.de
Falls du Fragen hast, kannst du dich jederzeit melden!
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
The application form is closed now. Any free vages you will find on "News".
1. fill in the application-form in Ukrainian or German till 22nd May 2017
2. wait for our response till the end of May
3. participate on the preparation-meetings
...and go to Lviv&Kyiv!