Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Leipzig (ESG)
The ESG is the protestant student's parish. It represents the parish at the university in Leipzig. Its goal is to be open for everyone and a place to discuss, meet and get to know each other. For this once a week there is a "Gemeindeabend" taking place, an evening on which we meet, eat together, hear a lecture about a topic we chose before and discuss it afterwards. There are lots of other events and working groups and also a weekly church service.
More information: https://esg-leipzig.de/gemeinde/
Youth NGO Iskra
Iskra is a non-profit, non-govermental youth organization established in Mykolayiv in 2004 and working nationally as well as internationally. Iskra vision is a more tolerant, multicultural
and diverse society in Ukraine. On the way to this ideal, we focus primarily on topics of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, tolerance and diversity, human and minority rights and active
participation of young people.
The overreaching goal is to improve the competence of young people and widen their personal and professional horizon.
More information: http://ngo-iskra.org.ua
Former Project of the ESG and Iskra: Meet, connect and overcome borders - Kyiv goes Leipzig!
More information here.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.
More information: http://erasmusplus.de/